COVID-19の対応により、リモートワークはより多くの企業から採用され、従業員からの要請がありました。 リモート作業の概念は新しいものではありません。リモートワークといえば、普通にフリーランサーについて考えていますが、実際、多くの正社員のほか、さまざまな業界の契約社員がリモートで仕事しており、この数は増えています。
デジタルマーケティング、ウェブデベロッパー、テクニカルサポートから営業、コピーライティング、翻訳に至るまで、主にIT業界では、リモートで作業する人が増えています。 この傾向は近年強くなっています。
この職場の変革を推進する理由はいくつかあります。 何よりもまず、社会のテクノロジーとインフラの開発のおかけです。10年か20年前にリモートワークについての話は非常に非現実的でた。
今はより安定したインターネット環境に加えて、テクノロジーと他のインフラストラクチャも進化しています。 フルタイムのリモート作業を行うことは、もはや夢ではありません。
社会の発展に伴い、人々はより良い生活の質を持ち、ワークライフバランスの期待も上がります。8時間以上オフィスでずっと仕事をするという形はもう徐々に変革の声が増えています。 従業員は、私生活に合う様々な柔軟な働き方を求めています。一方、KPIと収益を達成するために、従業員をオフィスに強制する必要がないことに気付き始めた企業も増えています。
もっと大事なのは、作業場所ではなく、結果と従業員が提供した品質です。場所はもはや制限ではありません。 もちろん、リモートワークは常にポジティブなことばかりではありません。
以前にリモートでの作業を経験したことがある、またはリモートで作業を行っている多くの人は、リモートで生産性の向上に実際に役立つと述べています。これは場所と関係があります。 ほとんどの人は、自宅で作業するか、カフェまたは、自分が快適に感じる、または好む場所でリモートをします。
例として、自宅で仕事をする場合、家は普通、人は最も快適に感じる場所です。 オフイスに制約を感じず、通勤の心配もありません。 仕事中にストレスを感じることが少なくなるため、生産性が向上します。
リモートワークを気に入る多くの人は、リモートでの作業により柔軟性が高まると言っています。 リモートワークは、自分が好きな場所で作業することだけでなく、好きな時間枠で作業することでもできます。もちろん、あなたはまだ1日8時間働く必要があります。ただし、自分が最も生産性が高いと感じる時間帯に作業することを選択できる柔軟性が高くなります。
リモートワークはまた、日常におけるいくつかの急用に対処しなければならない柔軟性を人に与えます。 たとえば、一部の家族や子供の世話をする必要がある場合、リモートワークは、万が一に備えて急用に柔軟に対応できるようにします。
リモートでお金を節約できます! 毎日通勤する必要がないので、明らかにガソリン代や交通費を節約できます。 オフィスに通勤する必要がないので、朝のコーヒー、昼食、または夕食にいくらかお金を節約できるでしょう。または、仕事を終え、店に立ち寄り、気に入った靴を手に入れるなどのお金も節約できるでしょう。 もちろん、自宅で使用する電気、水道、ガスを考慮する必要があります。ただし、コンビニやレストランで費やす金額に比べてそれほどかかりません。
さまざまな人とのコラボレーションから新しいことを学ぶことは事実ですが、独立作業することも新しいことを学ぶことにもつながります。 オフィスにいるときと同じように時間内にタスクを完了できるように、時間の管理をしなければなりません。
これは、これまでに使用したことがないソフトウェアやテクノロジーの一部に慣れる機会です。 さらに、リモートワークにより、コミュニケーションスキル、独立作業スキル、および一人で作業するストレスに対処する能力を養うことができます。
これはほとんどの人にとって一番の理由ではないかもしれません。 しかし、これは事実です。農村地域や発展途上国に住んでいる人や、自分のポジションを得るのが難しいかもしれない状況にいる人は、リモートポジションに応募することで、より良い機会を得ることができます。
柔軟で遠隔作業の快適さは、実際に従業員に会社への忠誠度の向上を促します。 これは、オフィスで働いていなくても、雇用主が労働者を信頼して良い結果をもたらす信頼できる関係を築くようなものです。
一部の調査では、企業はリモートワークのオプションが提供されている場合、求職者は企業を選ぶ意欲も高まります。 一方、このオプションが取り除かれた場合、従業員が辞める可能性も高くなります。
リモートワークでは従業員が自分のお金を節約するだけじゃありません。企業側もコストを節約するのにも役立ちます。 多くの企業は、それに応じて部分的社員がリモートで部分的な人はオフィスで作業するという対策を適用し始めています。
リモートワークにより、求職者は場所の制約を受けずに選択できる機会が増えます。 これは、場所や国の制約を受けずに、企業もより多くの候補者を選べます。
これは、質の高い人を熱望している中小企業やスタートアップに特に役立ちます。 候補者により多くの柔軟性を与えることはまた、優れた才能を雇う可能性を高めます。
オフィスで仕事をするのと比べて、リモートで仕事する方がリラックスしているのは事実です。 しかし、このトレンドが広まるにつれ、1日中家にいるため、作業モードから休憩モードに切り替えるのに苦労していると訴える人も増えています。
同僚からの相談、タスク間のミーティング、事務室内のバックグラウンドミュージックなど、オフィスで自分のペースを乱される原因は在宅なら全て解決できるとと思いますよね? 実は在宅勤務中に気が散ることもあります。
リモートワークに関しては、コミュニケーションが常に最大の問題です。 雇用主は、リモートワークで生じる可能な緩いコラボレーションについて心配します。一方、従業員は、同僚、マネージャー、またはクライアントと十分なコミュニケーションが取れていないことも心配するかもしれません。
一部の調査では、リモートワークする従業員はパフォーマンスがすぐに評価しにくく、昇進する可能性が低いことが示されています。 場合によっては、企業側は、リモートワーカーの従業員は仕事意欲が低い、普通に出社する従業員よりも怠惰であると考える傾向があります。
これは、作業をリモートで行う場合に特に役立ちます。 常にチェックしたり、何をすべきかを教えたりする人はいないため、最初に1日のスケジュールを計画しないと、多くの時間を浪費する可能性があります。
これは、1日の時間管理にも役立ちます。 最も元気な朝の時間帯でメインタスクから始めて、徐々に進むことがオススメです。 目標を持つことは、時間を無駄にして迷うことなく、モチベーションを維持するのにも役立ちます。
これは簡単ではないことを理解しています。 自宅で仕事をすることで、リラックス感があります。時には、仕事の途中でいくつかの動画を見て、お菓子を食べ、家事をするなどして、この自由さで時間を台無しにする可能性があります。
リモートワークあるいは、独立して作業することです。 これにより、自分で時間を制御できる柔軟性が得られます。 ただし、これによって一部の人々がチームから取り残されていると感じる場合もあります。 これは他の同僚と十分なコミュニケーションをとっていないというストレスの問題です。
会社と従業員の両方が、会社の全員が定期的にお互いに連絡を取り合っていることを確認する必要があります。 定期的なミーティングを行い、チャットグループを通じてお互いを確認し、全員が重要なアナウンスとメッセージを受け取り、個人が必要とするサポートを得ていることを確認することも大事です。
これにより、生産性が大幅に向上します。 一番いいのは、自宅でオフィスみたいな作業スペースを持つことです。家が小さすぎてそうすることができない場合、少なくとも自分の仕事に必要な設備を手に入れてください。
適切なサイズのモニター、快適な椅子、必要な消耗品(備品)、必要なソフトウェアがあれば、生産性を大幅に向上させることができます。 最後に、自宅からどうしても仕事するのが難しいと感じた場合は、カフェ、共有オフィススペース、または自分が集中できる場所に行くと役立ちます。
時には自宅で仕事をすることは逆にフィスで仕事をするよりも疲れることがあります。 自宅で仕事をすると、時には余暇の時間と空間を仕事と区別することが難しくなります。
リモートワークのトレンドは、アジア諸国で始まったばかりかもしれませんが、アメリカとヨーロッパでは、リモートワークの概念はすでに長い間存在しています。 アメリカを例にとると、国土が広いため、自宅から職場まで毎日通勤するのは簡単ではありません。
また、地方に住む人々が素晴らしい仕事機会を得ることは非常に困難です。リモートワークは、従業員と雇用者の両方に同時にソリューションを提供します。雇用主は人がオフイスに通勤せず、優秀な人を雇うことができます。 従業員は、長距離の移動や引越しを必要とせずに、幅広い仕事の機会から選択できます。
リモート作業には確かに、マイナスの点があり、解決しなければならないいくつかの問題があります。 人間が質の高い生活を実現するという意識の高まりとともに、この選択肢にもっとオープンになることは間違いありません。まだこの道のりは長いですが、リモート作業は将来的に一般的な作業スタイルになるかもしれません。

Is remote work fit for you?
In order to combat the spread of COVID-19, remote work has been applied by many companies or requested by the employees. However, the idea of remote work is not new. Most people think about freelancers when it comes to remote work, indeed there are many full-time as well as contract workers in different industries who have been working remotely for a long time, and the number is rising. Let us take a closer look at several aspects of remote work and how it is going to develop in the future.
例:We need to analyze every aspect of this issue thoroughly.
例:The program covers all aspects of business administration.
The nature of remote work
Mainly the tech industries, starting from digital marketing, web developers, technical support to sales, copywriting and translation, there is an increasing number of people who work remotely. The trend is getting stronger in recent years. There are several reasons that help to push this transformation. First and foremost, the development of technology and infrastructure of our society. It would be quite unrealistic to talk about remote work 10 or 20 years ago. Along with a more stable Internet environment, advancing technology and all other infrastructures. To commit a full-time remote work is no longer a dream.
例:I will try everything I could to complete the task! It is not in my nature to give up without trying.
タスクを完了するためにできる限りのことを試みます! 挑戦せずに諦めるのは私のやり方ではありません。
Along with the development of our society, people have a better life quality and starting to expect more about a balance in life and work. Be stuck in the office for 8 hours or more is no more welcome to people. Employees expect to have a different, flexible working style that could fit with their private life. On the other hand, more companies starting to realize that you don’t have to force your employees in the same space in order to achieve your KPIs and revenues. What is more important is the result and the quality the workers delivered, not where they work. Location is no longer a limitation. Of course, there are not always positive things about remote work. Next, let us jump into the pros and cons of remote work and how one can improve productivity when conducting remote work.
Pros & Cons of remote work
First, let us look at the pros from the employees’ side.
Improving productivity:
Many people who have tried remote work before or are conducting their works remotely say that remote work helps them to become more productive. This has a lot to do with the location. Most people choose to work from home, a café or other places they feel comfortable with or prefer to if working remotely.. Take working from home as an example, your home is usually the place where you feel the most comfortable with. Without feeling constrain to the office, or worry about commuting. people feel less stressed while working thus can achieve higher productivity.
More flexibility:
Many people who loved about remote work is that it gives them higher flexibility. Remote work is not only about working at a place one prefers, but also about working at a time frame one prefers. Of course, you still have to work for 8 hours a day. However, it gives you more flexibility to choose to work at times where you feel the most productive. Remote work also gives people the flexibility of having to deal with some emergency matters in private lives. For example, taking care of their families or children, remote work gives them the flexibility to tackle emergencies just in case.
Save money:
Remote work does save you some money! You don’t have to commute daily, so it obviously saves you some money for gas or public transportation fee. Because you don’t have to go to the office, it probably could also save you some money for the coffee in the morning and lunch or even dinner. Or you happen to drop by a store and get a pair of shoes that you just like it so much after work. You do have to take your electricity, water or gas bills into consideration. However, it usually doesn’t cost that much compare to the money you spend in a convenience store or a restaurant.
Able to acquire new skills:
It is true that you learn new things from collaborating with different people, but working independently also pushes you to learn new things. You need to learn how to manage your time so you could get your tasks done in time just like you are in the office. Since you probably don’t have people to ask right away when a problem occurs. You learn how to find solutions by yourself. Working remotely also requires you to communicate online, it teaches you how to get used to some of the technology, software you have never used before. Moreover, remote work allows you to cultivate your communication skills, your independent working skill and your ability to handle the stress of working alone.
例:He has acquired a good knowledge of English by himself.
例:John acquired the land illegally.
Cultivate: 〔学習で能力などを〕育てる、〔教育で人を〕啓発する
例:We try to cultivate an open and positive company culture through different strategies.
例:We are doing everything we could to cultivate a better relationship with our clients.
例:The company decided to cultivate the global market starting from this year.
Better opportunity for employees:
This might not be the biggest reason for most people. However, this is true. People who live in rural areas, developing countries or are in situations that might be difficult for them to get a good position can receive better opportunities by applying for a remote position. Talented candidate or someone who is just looking for a freelance job, a second job can find great positions as remote workers.
Pros for employers
Higher employee loyalty:
The flexibly, the comfy of remote work indeed induce employees to develop higher loyalty to the company. This is like building up a trustworthy relationship that employers trust their workers to deliver good results even though they are not working in the office. Employees also are willing to show their commitments and try to deliver the best they could as the company offers them more flexibility in controlling their own schedule and condition. Some surveys even show that people are more willing to join a company if it offers the option of remote work. On the other hand, employers are also more likely to quit if the option has been taken away.
例:My brother is the most trustworthy person I know.
*trustworthy authority: 信頼できる権威(者)
*trustworthy analysis: 信頼できる[の高い]分析
Condition: 状態、状況、条件
例:It is quite surprising that these jewelry are still in good condition after so many years.
例:If conditions permitted, we would like to make the payment later.
Remote work doesn’t let employees save their own money, it also helps companies to save costs! Many companies are starting to apply the measure as partial remote and partial in-office accordingly. Since you have fewer people in the office, the company could save some costs on water, electricity, supplies, etc. Some companies in America and Europe have even been maintaining their businesses in a total remote status in which it saves the company on rent.
*partial adjustment: 部分的な調整
*partial success: 部分的な成功
Better quality of people to choose from:
Remote work provides job seekers with more opportunities to choose from without the constrain of locations. This also works for the employees in which companies have more candidates to choose from without the constrains of locations or nations. This is especially great for small companies and startups which are eagerly looking for quality people. Giving candidates more flexibility also increases the chances of hiring great talents.
例:The manufacture of the product has to be constrained due to a lack of funds.
例:We believe that high oil prices constrain economic growth.
Cons for employees:
Hard to unplug from work:
It is true that remote work its more relax compare to working in the office. However, as the trend is getting more prevalent, more people start to complain that they are having a hard time switching from a working mode to a leisure mode since they stay at home all day. Not everyone has office space at home, and this can lead to another kind of stress of not being able to separate the breaking time from work. Also, since you don’t have to worry about commuting, weather, etc. Sometimes people can get so focus on their works and overwork.
例:This disease is prevalent in Europe.
例:Breast cancer is more prevalent among women than men.
Leisure: 〔義務から解放された〕余暇、暇
例:My favorite leisure activity is surfing.
You might think that you are free from all the distractions that could happen in the office, whether it is someone popping up for a question, a meeting between tasks, even background music that you find it annoying. There are many things that can also distract you while working at home. For example, surfing sites you like, watching several clips on YouTube even TV. The laundry you haven’t done, the dishes in the sink, etc. There are many little things that can pop up and wasting your time while working from home.
People certainly enjoy the independence of working from home. However, working alone all day long sometimes can make people feel lonely Especially, for people who live alone by themselves, without anyone to talk to at the end of the day to release some of the stress eventually could lead to depression. As remote work is getting popular around the world, there are also increasing case reports of people suffering from mental health problems due to remote work.
例:John was finally released after 30 years in jail.
例:The information about the movie has been released this Monday.
Mental: 心の、精神(上)の
例:Mental abuse sometimes can create more harm than physical abuse to a person.
*mental health:精神的な健全
Lack of instant communication with colleagues:
Communication is always the biggest concern when it comes to remote work. Not only do the employers worry about loose collaborations it could lead due to remote work. Employees might also worry about not having enough communication with their colleagues, managers or anyone that they are supposed to keep in contact for work. This is what it usually happens, a remote worker could lose the chance of knowing some News in the first hand because they are not at the office. They might miss out on some decisions that have been made during quick meetings, even just conversations in a pantry. Some researches show that people who are remotely are less likely to be promoted since their performances may not be seen right away. Sometimes, companies are likely to consider remote workers are less committed and lazier compare to those of those who come to the office 5 days per week.
例:Thank you for your instant reply.
*instant response: 即答
*instant noodle: コップめん
*instant advice: とっさに思い付いた忠告
*instant approval: 即時承認
*instant call: 即時通話
Suppose: 想定・推定する 、~と想像する、推量する、~を前提とする
例:I suppose what he said is true.
例:I suppose we have no choice but to execute the plan.
例:John supposed to be here at 5 pm, but he hasn’t shown up until now!
Pantry: 〔一般家庭の〕食品庫
How to keep up your productivity while working remotely?
Plan out your schedule:
No matter if you work in an office or work from home, it is always good to plan out your schedule first. This will be especially helpful if you are doing your works remotely. Because you usually will not have somebody checking on you from time to time or telling you what should be done in a day if you are at home, you could waste a lot of time if you don’t plan out your daily schedule first.
Have specific goals:
In order to plan out your schedule for the day, you must list your goals for the day first. Of course, you will not be able to complete everything in a day, but it is important for you to list out the must-do tasks of the day. This is important to help you manage your time throughout the day as well. You might want to start with the main task in the morning where you feel the most energetic, then go on to the side tasks throughout the day. Having goals also helps to keep up your motivation without wasting time and getting lost.
例:Children are usually very energetic.
例:Mary is an energetic person.
Keep yourself disciplined and avoid distractions:
I understand this is not easy. Working from home gives people a sense of relaxation, sometimes people are likely to spoil this sense of freedom by watching a few clips during the middle of tasks, having snack time, doing some house chores, etc. It is important to keep yourself disciplined and avoid those distractions to focus on your tasks. Working remotely doesn’t mean you could spoil your time without delivering any result.
例:A spirit of discipline is very important in the military.
例:Discipline is the key to achieving one’s goal.
例:Students with bad behaviors are disciplined by the teacher.
Chore: 雑事、雑用
例:I actually like to do house chores.
Spoil: 〔物・事を〕台無しにする、〔食べ物などを〕腐らせる、〔子どもなどを〕甘やかす
例:John was a pretty spoiled child when he was growing up.
例:She just spoiled all of our plans.
例:Put the meat in the fridge otherwise, it will spoil really quick.
Foster the relationship with your team:
Working remotely means you have to work independently. This does give you the flexibility of controlling your time on your own. However, this can also make some people feel being left out of the team. This is usually the stress problem a remote worker has in which not having enough communication with other colleagues. Both the companies and the employees should make sure everyone in the company is keeping in contact with each other regularly. Having regular meetings, checking with each other through chat groups, making sure everyone is getting the important announcements and messages and finally the support a person needs.
例:We hope to foster a spirit of collaboration and love through the events we have hosted.
Invest in needed equipment:
This can improve your productivity greatly. The best idea is to arrange yourself with the working space at home. If your house is too small to do so, at least get the equipment you need for your work. A right size monitor, a comfortable chair, any necessary supplies and software you need could improve your productivity significantly. Finally, if you found yourself hard to handle the tasks from home, going to a café, shared office space or any location that can help you concentrate will be helpful.
例:Today is a significant day for our company.
例:This decision could lead to a significantly negative impact on society.
Take a break if it is needed:
Working from home sometimes could make people feel even more exhausted than working in the office. Working from home makes people hard to distinguish their leisure time and space from work. It is a good idea for you to get up to do some exercises, or go out for a walk to refresh yourself.
例:I feel so exhausted after a long day of work.
例:The memory of this disc will soon be exhausted.
Distinguish: 〔異なるものを〕区別する
例:The little girl distinguished her crayons by colors.
Remote work might just be getting its start in most of the Asian countries. However, in America and Europe, the idea of remote work has existed for a period of time already. Take America as an example, due to the spaciousness of the country, it is not easy for you to commute from home to the workplace on a daily basis. It is also quite difficult for people who live in rural areas to get great jobs. Remote work provides the solution for both employees and employers all at once. Employers could hire talented workers without them coming to the offices. Employees can have a wider range of job opportunities to choose from without having to travel for a long-distance or moving.
Remote work does have its negative points and some related issues that have to be solved. It is no doubt that people are more open to such option along with a growing sense of achieving a quality life. There is still a long way to come but remote work might eventually be a common working style in the future.
例:This house is quite spacious.
On a daily basis: 毎日の(ように)
例:I try to do some simple exercise on d daily basis.