Mark: Hey, haven’t seen you for a while, what’s up? What’s the matter today?
英語で自然に挨拶をしたい時、いつも “Hi” “Hello” “How are you”しか出てこないですか。もちろんこの三つは普通の会話でもよく使いますが、“How are you”より、もっと親近感を出したいなら、 “What’s up?”を使いましょう。
そして“How are you”を聞いた時、どうやって返事をすればいいですか。教科書でいつも “I am fine, thank you. And you?”って書いていますね。あれは硬いです!普通はそう言わないです!普通は “I am good.” (元気です) “Nothing” (まあまあ)って返事すれば大丈夫です。
Jacob: Well, I am actually between jobs now. And I really want to go overseas to give myself a try. In fact, I already narrow it down to several options, just see if you can give me some advice on that.
仕事を探す;Between jobs/ look for next job
仕事が見つかりました:Found a job
仕事を辞める;Quit my job
例:There are several ways we could approach this issue.
Mark: Oh, cool! Sure, let’s see what have you got.
Jacob: Well, since I believe a start-up is kind of the trend for the future. I think as a developer I could definitely utilize my skills in one of those companies.
Let’s see what have you got?
start-up (スタートアップ) ;
VC (venture capitalベンチャーキャピタル) とも言います。
Jacob: The first option that comes to my mind is Toronto…you know…since it is only a 2-hr flight from the New York city, that way makes it easier for me to go home if I need to.
Mark: True, I actually went there for a couple of times during summer. The city is very well organized. You get access to a variety of water sports easily. The winter sports are also very popular too, but you know it is like freezing to death during the winter.
Freezing:凍る(ような)、非常に寒い。他はfreezing cold、It’s freezingなども言います。
Jacob: I bet it does. It must be a beautiful city throughout the year. And one reason I think it is going to be a good option is that Toronto is indeed the fastest growing tech market in the North America region. You know it is growing even faster than New York and San Francisco.
Mark: Yes, the city really gets ongoing during the past few years. It has some of the leading research centers in fields like AI, stem cell, data science even blockchain and cryptocurrencies. It is also the 4th largest cities in the
Mark:はい、街はここ数年で本当に発展しています。 AI、幹細胞、データサイエンス、さらにはブロックチェーンや暗号通貨といった分野でも有数の研究センターがあります。また、北米全体で4番目に大きい都市です。
Jacob: I know, there are many U.S. companies want to set up a global office in Toronto. Some of them are big names like Amazon, Apple, Google something like that.
Mark: Yeah, and I think Canada does kind of have a similar culture to the States. It also has a lot of immigrant.
あの人は有名人ですって言いたい時、いつも “famous”,”popular”しか出てこないですか? こいう場合だと”Big name”を使いましょう!b短くて、もっとネイティブな言い方ですよ!
Big name: 大手な、有名な (人、企業、物)
Jacob: Well, it is literally made up by the immigrants just like America does.
Mark: Yeah, the culture is also diverse there. And I think one thing really cool about the city is that it has both English and French as its official languages.
Jacob: Oh, yeah, I think it is somewhere called Quebec, right? Anyway, I really do think Toronto will be a good place, but the salary is still lower than here…
Jacob:それはケベック州ですよね? とにかく、本当にトロントが良い場所になると思いますが、給料はまだここより低いです…
例:Anyway…I understand what you are trying to say…we could discuss that next time.
Mark: Well, I mean you can’t compare to the Bay area or even to New York. It is like $11,0000 to $12,0000 per year in San Francisco, right? But I am sure it is a city full of potential. The Canadian government works really hard to establish itself as a new tech hub.
Jacob: That’s true. The city really is growing fast. It is going to take the throne from Silicon Valley seriously.
take the throne 王座につく(を奪う)
pass the throne to 王座を譲り
* throne:王座
* crown:王冠
* tiara:女性用(王冠みたいな)頭飾り
serious(ly): 真剣に、本気に
Are you serious?
Jacob: And the second one I am thinking about is Melbourne. It is also an English-speaking place with a diverse culture. I actually traveled there once, and the city just so relaxed and beautiful.
Mark: No doubt. A recent News just came out that Melbourne is the most livable city in the world for a consecutive of 6 years. Although, Vienna just beat it this year.
Mark: But somehow, I still think of Melbourne more like a cultural mecca. You know for the art, the music and the food there…
meccaはサウジアラビアの地名です。メッカはイスラム教最大の聖地で、体力と財力が許す限りでイスラム教徒が一生に一度は行くべき聖地です。 英語でもあらゆる文化で有名になって、そして多くの人が訪ねる場所を指します。
Jacob: It is though. But the city government also works hard to transform the city into a new tech hub to compete against Singapore. Some cool startup companies like Slack, GoPro, Zendesk are looking for opportunities to launch an Asia-Pacific office there. There are also many small businesses there looking for ways to become more tech savvy.
Jacob:それはそうですけど。しかし、市政府はまた、シンガポールと競争できる新しい技術の中心地に変貌するために懸命に努力しています。 Slack、GoPro、Zendeskなどのスタートアップは、そこにアジア太平洋地域のオフィスを立ち上げたいです。現地でもより技術に精通したものになる方法を探している多くの中小企業もあります。
例:political savvy: 政治に精通する
Mark: There are definitely many opportunities there. But it also sounds like the place is more for entrepreneurs to start
testing ground:試験場
Mark: Well, if you are looking for somewhere that can really apply your skills and somewhere unique. How about Tel Avivi?
Unique: 独特な 英語の文章で中東とアジアを指す時に、時々 “exotic” という単語も使います。あれは確かに異国風の意味ですが、その同時に外来な、異種(族)な意味があります。元々戦争の時、欧米の兵士がアジアの女性を見って、母国の女性と違い雰囲気が漂うってから使う言葉です。少し軽蔑な意味がありますから、使うときはちょっと気をつけてください。
Jacob: You mean Tel Avivi, Israle?
Mark: Yes, but the country is in the Middle East which is also pretty far away from the States.
Jacob: I know. But the country is also very strong in all kinds of advanced technologies like life sciences, big data, ICT, medical research even the military.
Mark: I think it is mandatory for both men and women there to serve in the military, right?
例;It is mandatory to wear a seat belt when you drive.
Jacob: I think so. Also, do you know that some of the popular startup services actually started in Israel? For example, Wix, Flytrex, Mindspace…
Jacob:そう思います。また、いくつかの人気のあるスタートアップサービスが実際にイスラエルで始まったことを知ってますか? たとえば、Wix、Flytrex、Mindspaceなど。
Mark: That is amazing. I know that the Israeli government is quite aggressive about technology development since long time ago. Mainly because it is not a big country, and it lacks natural resources. So all they could do is to turn to their people to find a way out.
Jacob: They certainly have done a great job on that. I also heard from some of my friends said that city life in Tel Avivi is just amazing! The food is great, the nightlife is exciting, the overall unique culture. And one thing they like about the city is that it is very close to the beaches. How cool is that!
Mark: Sounds really nice, but don’t forget about the living cost there is also expensive. In fact, it is one of the most expensive cities in the world.
Jacob: Right…good to keep that in mind. Anyway, talking about Tel Avivi kind of reminds me of another faraway city.
Keep it in mind:(事情)を留意する、覚えておく
例:Mom: Don’t forget to do your homework before you go to the game.
John: OK, I’ll keep that in mind.
Mom: You do that.
Mark: Where?
Jacob: Oslo, Norway.
Mark: Oslo, nice choice!
Jacob: Right? Europe is a place that everyone should go once in a lifetime.
Jacob:そうですよね! ヨーロッパは一生に一度にいくべき場所です。
Jacob: But like Tel Avivi, I also don’t know much about this place. All the information I got was all from the internet. I know it is a wealthy nation focuses its economy on fishing, shipping, oil, and natural gas.
Mark: Yes, Norway is a country that truly takes actions on protecting the environment. It is the only nation on earth that impose a tax on carbon emission and soon its capital is going to be the first car-free city in the world in 2019.
例:A sales tax is imposed on every item imported.
*impose an embargo禁輸を課す
〇〇free: 〇〇のない状態に
violence free: 暴力のない
gun free: 銃砲のない
Jacob: I better get a bike if I really lives there.
Mark: Look! Here says that the companies there receive a funding worth of 1 trillion dollars from the government to diverge their businesses from natural resources to be more tech savvy.
千:one thousand
万:ten thousand
十万;one hundred thousand
百万:one million
億:one hundred million
十億:one billion
兆:one trillion
Jacob: 1 trillion! That is a lot of money!
Jacob:1兆ドル! それはたくさんのお金です!
Mark: it also says that 15% of its startup investment is about sustainability.
Jacob: Look what I found! The Norwegians start working at 7:30am and get off work around 3:30pm. That’s crazy! That means you have to wake up around 5 in the morning.
Jacob:これも見て! ノルウェー人は午前7時30分から仕事を始め、午後3時30分頃に家に帰ります。それはヤバイです! それは朝の5時ごろ起きなければならないことですか。
Mark: Yeah, but you also get off work early. So you get more time for yourself too.
Jacob: That is true. Here also says that Norway has one of the best welfare systems in the world.
Mark: Well, most of the Scandinavian nations do.
Jacob: New dad get 12-week long paternity leave, and new mom can even get a full year off. I am like so jealous…though, I don’t have any kids.
ほどんとの場合は “I am jealous” (私は羨ましいです。)って大丈夫です。
日常生活は “I am envy” ほぼ言わないです。そしてJealousは嫉妬の意味もあります。“好きな人が自分以外の人に対して興味を示したことに嫉妬する”という意味があります。今の若者たちの間で時々“I am jelly.”も使います。
Mark: Sure, it does.
Jacob: Anyway, the last option I got is London.
Mark: Not a bad choice though. Many of my friends would love to go there.
Jacob: Yeah, but the city seems to focus more heavily on “fintech”, and I prefer to do something more in the venture technology field…You know what I mean…?
Mark: I mean since London is a global financial hub for a long time. It must be thriving in fintech and block chain technology like that. But I think it also works hard on creating a better environment for “deep technology”, you know solutions those could really help changing the world, make a difference.
Jacob: That would be something I would really like to challenge myself with. But I am also worried about the impacts of “Brexit” that is going to bring to this country…you know many companies and investors already started to reallocate their people and their investments.
Mark: Yeah, and the rent there is also getting higher.
Jacob: That’s right. I guess no matter which option, there are both good and bad. I guess there are just many things I need to think about before I really make my decision.
Mark: Certainly, it is not an easy decision. And if you need anything else, I’ll be accountable for you.
If you need anything, please let me know!
Be accountable for: 責任を負う
例;She must be held accountable for her own actions.
Jacob: Thanks, man! Appreciated.
今回あげた選択肢はおそらく意外な選択肢かもしれません。Tech Hubといえばシンガポールや中国などの国が頭に浮かべますよね! 確かにこの二つは間違いなく強い候補者です。でも今回はみんなさんに英語だけじゃなく、文化や歴史のことも教えたいから、ちょっと人々にはあんまり詳しくないものを選びました。もちろん、他に強力な候補がまだまだあると思います。そして、ここであげた選択肢は決していいものばっかりだけではなく、国や町として問題も抱えていると思います。そして、個人にとって似合う選択肢はこの5つだけとは限りません! The world is big, and always remember that “once you make it there; it is just the beginning of your journey!” (世界は大きく、「一度そこに着いたら、そこから旅の始まりです!」)この一つを常に覚えておいてください。