Besides cash and credit cards, mobile payment service has become one of the hottest choices around the world. Although most of the countries still take cash and cards as the primary payment methods. The % of people using mobile pay is definitely increasing. Let’s start with a brief history of mobile payment then go into how this technology is developing around different regions.
現金およびクレジットカード以外にも、モバイル決済サービスは世界中で最も人気のある選択肢の1つとなっています。 ほとんどの国はまだ主な支払い方法として現金とカードを取りますが、モバイルペイを使用する人の割合は確実に増えています。 まず、モバイル決済の簡単な歴史から始め、次に、さまざまな地域でこのテクノロジーがどのように発展しているかを説明しましょう。
Primary education: 初等教育
Primary color: 原色
Primary school: 小学校(イギリス)vs elementary school (アメリカ)
Brief: 短時間の、短い
Brief: 要約= briefing
Brief account (explanation): 簡単な説明
Brief and to the point: 簡明な
Brief case: 書類カバン
Region: 地域
The polar region: 極(地)域
Regional: 地方の
A brief history of mobile payment モバイル決済の簡単な歴史について
Mobile pay technology was developed in the United States for online purchase of movie tickets and ordering pizza during the 1990s.
Thank you for purchasing one of our sweaters.
All items can be returned for a refund within 30 days of purchase.
This coupon is valid on one purchase only.
Purchase on the Internet: ネットで購入する
It is not until 2014, mobile payment services were officially available introduced by several Tech giants.
John and Mary are officially divorced.
This temple is officially acknowledged as a world heritage.
Officially admit (as): 正式に認める
Officially adopted by~:によって正式に採用された
Officially approved as: ~として正式に認可される
Mobile payment also is known as mobile money, mobile money transfer and mobile wallet is a payment service operated via a mobile device.
This machine can operate under severe environment.
Our service operates 24/7.
Via: ~を通って、~を経由して
I have to fly to France via Dubai.
Via airmail: 航空便で
Device: 機器、装置
Device assembly: デバイス組立
Device busy: 装置使用中
Device design: 装置設計
The technology has been adopted differently around the world. What’s interesting is that developing nations seem to be more welcomed to technology compared to developed nations.
この技術の使い方は世界中で異なっています。 面白い事実は、先進国と比較して発展途上国の方がこのテクノロジーはより受け入れてられています。
We adopt a different measure to solve the problem.
She just adopted another child recently.
Adoption: 養子縁組
v.s. Adapt: 順応(適応 変化)させる
Adapt herself to cultural difference.
The company adapted the product to make it successful within the Japanese market.
How mobile payment service develops worldwide
Interesting Facts: 面白い事実:
- Africa is the global leader in mobile money!
Africa has 100 million active mobile money account that is way more than Southeast Asia where it has about 40 million.
Global company: 国際企業
Global activity: 世界的活動
Global analysis: 大域解析
- Southeastern Asia is the second-largest market.
With more than 600 million people in the region, no wonder why growing Southeastern Asia is a big market to businessmen.
Wonder about: ~を怪しむ
I wonder about his intention.
Wonder if:
I wonder if it will be sunny tomorrow.
No wonder: 不思議ではありません
No wonder the kids love him so much.
However, this region also posts a lot of challenges to the businessmen since the race, ethnicities, cultures are so diverse, each country has its own ways of using the mobile payment.
Racial equality: 人種的平等
Racism: 人種差別
Ethnicity: 人種;民族性
Diversity: 多様性、さまざまな種類
Diversity in culture: 文化の多様性
Diversity of ethnic groups: 多様な民族グループ
Diversity in lifestyle: ライフスタイルの多様性
- Is China going to be the first cashless country in the world?
If you happened to travel to China, you will be surprised of how people are depending on their smartphones for all kinds of services from calling a taxi, delivery, and of course, make a payment.
It is amazing to see how China catches up with mobile payment technology so quickly; however, the exclusiveness and distinctiveness of Mainland China’s market also posts a lot of difficulties to companies from overseas.
中国がいかにしてモバイル決済技術に追いついたかを見るのは本当にびっくりします。 しかし、中国本土の市場の独占性と独特さもまた、海外の企業に多くの課題を投げます。
An attitude of exclusiveness: 排他的な(お高くとまった)態度
Religious exclusiveness: 宗教的排他性
Exclude: ~を排除する
Exclusion: 除外、排他
Distinctiveness: 独自性、弁別性
Distinctive: 独特の
Distinctively: 他と異なって
Card is everything in the U.S.A. 米国でカードがあればOK!
Although cash is still dominant in the U.S.A., credit card works for everything in the States.
The U.S.A. is the origin of finance and credit cards, it is weird that you don’t own a card or don’t use one.
Origin of civilization: 文明の起源
Origin of all mankind: 全人類の起源
Origin of infection: 感染源
Weird: 奇妙な、変わった
It is weird that he didn’t reply to my message.
Weird appearance: 奇妙な外観
Weird feeling: 不気味な気持ち
Weird habit: 変な癖
Weird behavior: 変な行動
Weird hobby: 変な趣味
Literally, every store takes cards even it is a rural area in the States.
Everyone is literally astounded by his action.
Literally double: 文字どおり~を2倍にする
Rural: 田舎の、地方の
Rural city: 田園都市
Rural community: 農村社会、村落
Take cards: 店はカードを受け入れますか?って聞きたい時は“Do you take cards?”って言います。
- Cash is the King in Japan 日本で現金は王道です
It may be hard to believe that a high-tech country like Japan loves cash so much that some stores don’t even accept cards.
John is accepted by Harvard University.
I accept your apology.
Do you accept traveler’s checks?
Acceptance: 受諾、受け入れ
The Japanese government is starting to take actions to promote mobile payment; however, it still has many problems to be solved.
日本政府は、モバイル決済を促進するため動き始めています。 しかし、まだ解決すべき多くの問題があります。
The Japanese government hopes to create a friendlier shopping environment for tourists anticipating the coming of the 2020 Tokyo Olympic.
This country is anticipating a bright future with the change of its government.
We anticipate a decrease in sales due to a bad economy.
Anticipate a favorable response: 好意的な返事(回答)を期待する

Why the difference between developed nations & developing nations?
To understand this let’s look at the current conditions between these nations.
Developing nations: 発展途上国:
- Lack of infrastructure
- インフラの欠如
- Immature financial system
- 未熟な金融システム
- Lack of banks & ATM
- 銀行とATMが少ない
- Banking service is not convenient enough
- 銀行サービスはそれほど便利ではありません
- Many people don’t have a credit card
- 多くの人はクレジットカードを持っていません
- Most of these nations have many young people, and they are more willing to embrace new technology
- これらの国々のほとんどには多くの若い人たちがいます、そして彼らは新しい技術を受け入れ、ポジティブです
Lack of basic awareness of safety: 安全に対する基本的な認識の欠如
Lack a feeling of happiness: 幸福感がない
Lack a feeling of trust: 信頼感がない
Immature: 未熟な
Immature at birth: 出生時は未熟である
Immature behavior: 大人げない行為
Immature fetus: 未熟胎児
Embrace: 抱き合う、受け入れる
Some companies are reluctant to embrace new technology.
Learn to embrace the idea of equality: 平等の考えを受け入れることを学ぶ
Embrace a child: 子どもを抱き締める
Developed nations: 先進国:
– The financial system is well-developed
– 金融システムはよく発達している
– Easy access to banks
– The credit card system is well-organized
– Most of these nations have well-developed infrastructure and service environment. They tend to be more used to the old-fashioned way of doing things.
-これらの国々のほとんどは、よく発達したインフラストラクチャとサービス環境を持っています。 国民は昔ながらのやり方に慣れている傾向があります。
Well-organized: うまくまとまって
Old-fashioned: 旧態依然とした、古風な、昔かたぎの
The pros: 良いところ
- They are fast: Just tap your phone to the payment terminal the transaction will go through right away.
- 速いです:携帯を端末にタッチするだけで支払いは完了です。
- They are secure: They don’t store or send your credit card information.
– 安全です:あなたのクレジットカード情報を保存したり送ったりしません。
- Everything is on your phone: You don’t need to carry cash or cards with you because everything is on your phone.
- 携帯電話だけでスッキリ。すべて携帯電話にあるため、現金やカードをいなくても買い物ができます。
- They work with rewards programs: A mobile wallet allows you to add store loyalty or rewards cards.
– ポイントを貯める:こんなアプリはだいたいポイントが貯めることができます。もっとお得です。
Terminal: 端末
Transaction: 取引、商取引
Transaction activity: 取引活動
Transaction amount: 取引金額
Transaction balance: 取引残高
Reward: 褒賞、報奨金
A $5000 reward:5000ドルの賞金
Your effort will be rewarded.
Loyalty: 誠実、忠実
Loyalty card: ポイントカード
Loyalty oath: 忠誠宣誓
The cons: 悪いところ
- They are not always accepted: In most countries, mobile payment is just taking off, so many stores still don’t accept them.
- They are not all accepted: A lot of stores have their own Apps, it might not work with what you have. Sad!
– 持っているアプリが使えない:多くの店は自分のアプリしか使えない!残念です!
- They are easier to track: Every transaction leaves a digital record, which makes people concerned about privacy.
– 追跡が簡単です。すべてのトランザクションでデジタル記録が残されるため、プライバシーが心配になります。
- Payments are tied to your phone: If your phone is lost or the battery is dead, too bad, you are out of luck!
- 全て携帯でやります:もし携帯電話を紛失したり、バッテリーがなくなったり、それは大変なことになってしまいます。
Track the order online: オンラインで注文を追跡する
Track in the snow: 雪の中の足跡
Privacy: プライバシー、秘密(内密)にしていること
Privacy act statement: プライバシー保護法声明書
Privacy abuse: プライバシーの侵害(悪用)
Privacy breach: プライバシーの侵害 (書面用)
Invade one’s privacy: 個人のプライバシーを侵害する
Out of luck: 運が悪い