According to different positions, some people have to do many presentations in a week, some people may get very rare chance to do so. Making a great presentation is not easy, it is not only about the contents of your speech, but the overall style and the way you speak will affect the whole presentation. Let’s jump right in to look at some of the ways to make a compelling presentation.
- Rare but lethal complication: 稀ではあるが致命的な合併症
- Rare case: まれな事例
- Rare chance: 絶好のチャンス
- Rare condition: まれな病気
Compelling: 従わざるを得ない、人を感動させずにはおかない、説得力のある
We must have a compelling argument against theirs, otherwise, we are not going to win the debate.
- Compelling speech: 名演説
- Compelling research: 説得力のある研究
Greet everyone for coming 来場者に挨拶
> Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, Thank you all for being here.
> Hello everyone, I am so glad that you could all be here today. 皆さん、こんにちは、今日来てくれてありがとうございます。
Introduce your topic テーマを紹介します
> Today, I’d like to talk to you about…
> This presentation will cover…
> My focus will be on…
The snow is so severe that it covers the ground in only half an hour.
We will cover page 1 to page 5 for today’s class.
The company is going to cover the travel expenses for me.
– Coverage: 取材(範囲); サービス区域
News coverage
Focus: 焦点
Raise up your point ポイントを上げる
> The reason I am so passionate about [テーマ] has to do with my experience when I was in [ところ]. While I was there, I witnessed…
> Have you wondered…
> Imagine if you…
What I witnessed when I traveled to that country was so shocking that I just couldn’t believe it.
– Witness account: 目撃者の証言
– Witness against: 不利な証言をする
I wondered about his intention.
– Wonderchild: 神童
– Wonder drug: 特効薬
– Wonderland: 不思議の国
To make a conclusion 結論を出す
> I’d like to leave you with one last idea…
> I’d like to conclude with a quote from…
Welcome questions from the audience 聴衆からの質問に対応
> Has anyone got any question?
“Do you have any question?”とは言いません。これは少し失礼で、違和感も感じます。
> I’d be happy to answer any question.
> I’ll be happy to answer all of your questions at the end.
> Please feel free to interrupt with questions at any time.
It is quite rude to interrupt when someone is still talking. 誰かがまだ話しているときに中断するのはかなり失礼です。
Reply to your audience 応答
>Thank you for bringing that point up.
>Thank you for asking that question.
> Does that answer your question?
> Can I check on that and give you the answer later?
>That is a very good question.
I am glad that you actually bring that question up.
Bring up:(人を)育てる
Mary was brought up to behave politely.
To move your presentation forward プレゼンテーションを進めます。
> Let us move on to my next point.
> This leads us to my next section.
> To go back to the idea of…
To emphasize your point あなたの主張を強調する
> This is the main point I want to make today.
> Let’s spend a few minutes getting to the meat of this problem.
> Now, we’ve come to the heart of the matter.
Let’s get down to the meat of the matter.
the heart of the matter 問題の核心
To interact with your audience 聴衆と交流する
> So, how do we solve this problem?
> But how big is this risk, really?
> How many of you have faced a problem like this one?
> I know what you’re thinking: You’re wondering why I am telling you this.
> I know you are all busy people, so I’ll make this short.
As you get older, the risk of developing heart disease is also increasing.
– Risky: 危険のある
make this short:要点だけ話す意味です。これはプレゼンテーションや会議の時かなり聞こえるフレーズです。
To use graphs to support your points グラフを使って、ポイントをサポートする
> As you can see from this chart.
> According to this graph.
> This diagram here illustrates…
I will illustrate this idea with a graph.
Pie chart: 円グラフ
Bar graph: 棒グラフ
Line graph: 折れ線グラフ
Tree diagram: ツリー図
Flow chart: フローチャート
Pyramid set: ピラミッドセット

From here let us look at some of the tips to make a good presentation.
<About the structure>
There are so many we could talk about how to make a good presentation. However, let’s just take a look of some of the important tips of making your slides look more concise and professional. First, is about the structure of your presentation.
A compelling introduction 説得力のあるリード
Your introduction should catch the audience’s attention in a few seconds. You can tell an interesting story to lead to your main body of the presentation. A great way is to ask a question. It is important to let the audience feel it is useful and relevant to come to the presentation.
つかみの数秒で観客の注意を引くべきです。おもしろい話を始め、プレゼンテーションのメインにつなぐのはいい方法です。質問をするのもオススメです。 プレゼンテーションに参加することは有意義で、彼らの生活と関連性があると参加者に感じさせることが重要です。
What you point out is not relevant to the matter.
– Relevant analysis: 関連分析
– Relevant information: 関連情報
Offer a body of evidence 証拠を提出してください。
Facts, examples, graphs, chats can help supporting your ideas. Use these materials smartly to make your presentation strong.
I need to prepare the material for tomorrow’s lecture.
– Material world: 物質的な世界
No more than 10 sides スライドの数は10ページ以内に
Trim down the number of slides to what is really important for your audience to know. Too many slides is annoying. Slides are materials to support your speech not to take away the attention of your audience. Also, you need to give time to your audience to digest what you have just talked about.
スライドが多すぎると面倒です。本当に聴衆たちに知らせたいことだけスライドを載せましょう。スライドは、聴衆の注意を引かないようにあなたのスピーチをサポートするための資料です。 また、あなたが今話したことを整理するために聴衆に時間を与える必要もあります。
- Digestion: 消化力
Limit the amount of copy on each slide テキスト量を制限します。
Same as the above. Too much text is indeed disturbing! The audience will just be trying to read the texts instead of listening to you. Try to put “bite-size” information on your slides. Also, keep the design of your slides simple and consistent. Your audience will appreciate you!
前と同じです。 あまりにも多くのテキストは実に厄介です! 聴衆はテキストを読むだけで、あなたの話を聞き取れないからです。 スライドに「一口サイズ」の情報を載せてください。 また、スライドのデザインをシンプルで一貫性のあるスタイルにしてください。聴衆はあなたに感謝するでしょう!
bite-size: 直訳と“一口サイズ”いわゆる“ちょうといいサイズ”です。
I appreciate your kindness very much.
We need to learn to appreciate the beauty of this world.
– Appreciation: 鑑賞、感謝
Tailor it to your audience あなたの聴衆に合わせて調整してください。
Think about what kind of people are coming to your presentation? Who are these people? Do you understand them? Tailor the style and the contents of your presentation for your audience is important. Even is about word choice. The most important thing you want is to make sure the audience understand what you are talking about.
どのような人々があなたのプレゼンテーションにやってくるのでしょうか? これらの人々は誰ですか? あなたは彼らのことを理解していますか? 聴衆のためにあなたのプレゼンテーションのスタイルと内容を調整することは重要です。言葉の選択についてもそうです。一番大事なのは、聴衆があなたが言いたいことを理解することです。
– Tailor made: 仕立する(服、靴、家具など)
Sum up with key takeaways 主な要点をまとめる
Leave your audience with an emotional impression. Either a video, a song, a poem at the end can sum up your presentation cleverly. They may not remember the whole presentation but they would not forget about the emotional impression they experienced. It will help you to end on a high.
あなたの聴衆に感情的な印象を残してください。 ビデオ、歌、詩のいずれかでプレゼンテーションをうまくまとめることができます。 彼らはプレゼンテーション全体を覚えていないかもしれませんが、彼らが経験した感情的な印象は忘れないでしょう。 それはあなたのプレゼンテーションをうまく終わらせるのに役立ちます。
– Emotional anxiety: 情緒不安
It is important to leave a good impression in a job interview.
– Impressive: 印象的な
end on a high:最高なタイミングで終わる。
Now you have your presentation ready, it is time to make yourself look professional. Here are some of the tips.
プレゼンテーションの準備は完了しました。今度は自分をプロフェッショナルに見せましょう。 ここにいくつかのヒントがあります。
<Make yourself look pro>
Eye contact アイコンタクト
It is always good to keep eye contact with your audience. This means not to stare at one point but try to keep eye contact with each section of your audience. Walk around on the stage sometimes may help.
Don’t staring at me like that!
Pause for a second while you speak 話している間、少し間を置いてください。
Pause for a second between your sentences. This can help you to organize your thoughts, also gives time to the audience to digest what you’ve just said.
話すときは、少し止めてください。 これは自分の考えをまとめることをできますし、そして観客に先の内容を消化する時間も与えます。
Use simple words 簡単な言葉を使おう
Sometimes, use specialized terms may not help but distance your audience away. Word choice is important. Choose the words people can understand easily. The thing here is to get your ideas across your listeners.
Dress up professionally プロの格好をします
Always dress up a little bit formal than your audience. Depends on the theme and the location of the presentation, things may vary. So it is a good idea to check on the dress code first if you can.
Dress down: カジュアルな格好をする
Dress code:服装のルール